PowerShell / Win32-OpenSSH

Win32 port of OpenSSH
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install-sshd.ps1 script not installed by OpenSSH-Win32-v9.5.0.0.msi #2205

Open DirkHoffmann opened 4 months ago

DirkHoffmann commented 4 months ago


Steps to reproduce

I just downloaded OpenSSH-Win32-v9.5.0.0.msi from this github project.

Expected behavior

According to the [instructions](/wiki/Install-Win32-OpenSSH) it should install a script ìnstall-sshd.ps1`.

Actual behavior

When installing OpenSSH with this MSI, it does not install the script install-sshd.ps1. 
I downloaded OpenSSH-Win32.zip from the same place / version, and it contained the missing script. Copying it to `C:\Program Files\OpenSSH` allowed to do the installation as described in the [instructions](/wiki/Install-Win32-OpenSSH). But I think that is not how it is supposed to work in the first place. Can you add it to the MSI file please?

Error details

No response

Environment data

Windows 7

C:\Program Files\OpenSSH>echo $PSVersionTable



No response

tgauth commented 4 months ago

Please see https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH/wiki/Install-Win32-OpenSSH-Using-MSI.

The MSI handles the setup within install-sshd.ps1 which is why it is not included.

DirkHoffmann commented 4 months ago

Thanks for your prompt answer. How could I miss that? I will try to understand the reason and may propose a slight update to the instructions.

DirkHoffmann commented 4 months ago

I think I understood what happened: Google sends us to instructions when searching for "Install Windows OpenSSH" as first occurence for github. There are also two other results referring to MS OpenSSH instructions before when asking Google.

As wiki PR between projects are rather tricky in github, I prepared an updated page here in my clone, which you can integrate into your wiki repo rather easily. Please let me know, if you prefer a different workflow.

Actually, I noticed that there are four different ways to install OpenSSH now, and documentation has grown rather independently, and instructions are not very structured any more:

  1. Following the new MS page. Likely this is the preferred one or to recommend, isn't it?
  2. With Winget as described here, where you get from Google by default. Second choice.
  3. With MSI as described here. Third preference?
  4. By cloning or ZIP file as described in the same place as for Winget. Probably most appropriate for test releases and pathological cases.

Maybe they could all go on a single page (in the order of preference/recommendation) for more clarity?