PowerShell / WindowsCompatibility

Module that allows Windows PowerShell Modules to be used from PSCore6
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Work with windows based modules that are installed in the PowerShell core setup #71

Open Sarafian opened 5 years ago

Sarafian commented 5 years ago

There is nothing stopping PowerShell core of installing a module that requires the full .net framework. For example, I've developed this WcfPS and within it I do heavy use of .net code from the System.ServiceModel assembly.

When I first read about WindowsCompatibility I understood that it will offer the ability to execute any module that depends on the full .net framework, as people work with from their environment PowerShell Core. While experimenting with WindowsCompatibility module, I am positively surprised by the fact that is based on the implicit importing of modules but I'm also disappointed because it has failed to communicate the following two points:

I suggest one of the following 1) clarify this aspect in the documentation. More honest advertisement wouldn't hurt as well 2) provide a parameter to work with modules available in the PowerShell Core's $PSModulePath. For example

or just another cmdlet name for simplicity and keeping all the others clean.

In the second case, the cmdlet shouldn't accept a computer name any longer, as it needs by design to create a session to localhost.

Let me know what your thoughts are especially on the second's suggestion parameter name. I think that it shouldn't be this difficult to implement.