PowerShell / WindowsCompatibility

Module that allows Windows PowerShell Modules to be used from PSCore6
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[Discussion] Future of this project (AKA Is it dead?) #81

Closed OranguTech closed 4 years ago

OranguTech commented 4 years ago

On the plus side, so far it appears to work with PoSh 7. (Preview 4).

However it hasn't been updated for 11 months, no documentation references 7, I've not found any Ver 7 blogs (official or otherwise) that reference the WindowsCompatibility module. Is there a plan/support/resources for it?

OranguTech commented 4 years ago

Addressed with this commit to the readme.

Note that there is a planned feature in PowerShell 7 to include the capabilities of this module as part of the engine making this module unnecessary for PowerShell 7. Please review that RFC and add your feedback.