PowerShell / platyPS

Write PowerShell External Help in Markdown
MIT License
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Command that use -Path & -LiteralPath should follow standard input and alias patterns #676

Closed sdwheeler closed 2 months ago

sdwheeler commented 3 months ago

Summary of the new feature / enhancement

All of the item commands that have -Path and -LiteralPath parameters follow the same pattern of pipeline input and aliases (for name matching).

Proposed technical implementation details (optional)

sdwheeler commented 2 months ago

Now in OPS10

Command                    Parameter   Type
-------                    ---------   ----
Import-MamlHelp            Path        System.String[]
Import-MamlHelp            LiteralPath System.String[]
Import-MarkdownCommandHelp Path        System.String[]
Import-MarkdownCommandHelp LiteralPath System.String[]
Import-MarkdownModuleFile  Path        System.String[]
Import-MarkdownModuleFile  LiteralPath System.String[]
Import-YamlCommandHelp     Path        System.String[]
Import-YamlCommandHelp     LiteralPath System.String[]
Import-YamlModuleFile      Path        System.String[]
Import-YamlModuleFile      LiteralPath System.String[]
Measure-PlatyPSMarkdown    Path        System.String[]
Measure-PlatyPSMarkdown    LiteralPath System.String[]
Test-MarkdownCommandHelp   Path        System.String[]
Test-MarkdownCommandHelp   LiteralPath System.String[]
Update-CommandHelp         Path        System.String[]
Update-CommandHelp         LiteralPath System.String[]
Update-MarkdownCommandHelp Path        System.String[]
Update-MarkdownCommandHelp LiteralPath System.String[]
Update-MarkdownModuleFile  Path        System.String
Update-MarkdownModuleFile  LiteralPath System.String