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[PSScriptAnalyzer] Updating of Problems pane intermittent #1216

Open moymike opened 6 years ago

moymike commented 6 years ago

System Details

1.20.1 f88bbf9137d24d36d968ea6b2911786bfe103002 x64

Major Minor Build Revision

1 6 0 0

arcticicestudio.nord-visual-studio-code@0.6.0 casualjim.theme-desertex@0.0.6 davidmart.theme-jsfiddle-like-syntax-vscode@0.0.6 DotJoshJohnson.xml@1.9.2 gerane.Theme-azure@0.0.2 gerane.Theme-Dreamweaver@0.0.2 gerane.Theme-feelgood@0.0.2 gerane.Theme-Flat@0.0.2 gerane.Theme-TomorrowNight@0.0.2 GoliafRS.monokai-grs@0.0.31 idleberg.hopscotch@0.2.2 ispushkin.pushkin-is-white-theme@0.0.6 jansenfuller.crayon-vscode@0.5.1 jdinhlife.theme-gruvbox-dark-medium@0.0.6 Kal.theme-glacier@0.0.1 karyfoundation.theme-karyfoundation-themes@16.0.1 kentor.theme-oceanic-next-no-italics@1.0.1 lkytal.FlatUI@1.4.4 MaxfieldWalker.vscode-color-theme-spirited-away@1.3.2 ms-vscode.notepadplusplus-keybindings@1.0.2 ms-vscode.PowerShell@1.6.0 ms-vscode.Theme-1337@0.1.4 NoHomey.theme-realgithub@1.0.9 rebornix.toggle@0.0.1 redhat.java@0.19.0 saviorisdead.Theme-GitHubCleanWhite@0.0.3 sharksym.theme-cobalt0@0.0.5 slevesque.vscode-autohotkey@0.2.2 vangware.dark-plus-material@1.0.27 vscjava.vscode-java-debug@0.6.0 vscjava.vscode-java-test@0.3.0 vscjava.vscode-maven@0.5.2 zhuangtongfa.Material-theme@2.12.5

Name Value

PSVersion 5.1.16299.248 PSEdition Desktop PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...} BuildVersion 10.0.16299.248 CLRVersion 4.0.30319.42000 WSManStackVersion 3.0 PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3 SerializationVersion

Issue Description

With the update to 1.6.0 I am playing with replacing ISE with VScode again. So far it's going well.

The 'PROBLEMS' pane, and the underlined syntax info is really nice, but it seems to be a little off here and there. I find that if I fix an issue, it often does not reflect in the PROBLEMS pane. When I click the error it jumps back to the location where the issue has already been fixed. If I close and reopen the script, the issue is cleared from the 'PROBLEMS' pane. Easier though is to simply make another edit to the script, and the issue will disappear from the pane.

It appears that either that the script change event is not firing... or the call to psscriptanalyzer is suspended until further changes occur.

This can be annoying when loading multiple scripts and having to fix a simple issue across all of them, as the issues seem to stick in the 'PROBLEMS' pane without further actions.

TylerLeonhardt commented 6 years ago

Thanks for opening this! We'll take a look.

TylerLeonhardt commented 6 years ago

If you manage to get another repro of this, can you send me the logs? You can attach them here (preferred) or send them to vscode-powershell@microsoft.com

rjmholt commented 5 years ago

There have been some performance improvements in the extension and in PSScriptAnalyzer, so this might be better now. Please let us know 🙂