PowerShellMafia / PowerSploit

PowerSploit - A PowerShell Post-Exploitation Framework
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Invoke-Kerberoast non-domain joined machine error #294

Open Aajnow opened 6 years ago

Aajnow commented 6 years ago

I am running the standalone script for Invoke-Kerberaost from a non-domain joined machine with a normal domain account. When running it by firing up powershell with the runas command I get the error " New-Object : Exception calling ".ctor" with "1" argument(s): "The NetworkCredentials provided were unable to create a Kerberos credential, see inner exception for details."" Also the same error when i use the -Credential option. Any missing there ??

Aajnow commented 6 years ago

Was in the middle of an engagement, fortunately the client allowed domain users to add computers to the domain, fired up a Win-VM and now could request a SPN worked and the hashes retrieved, I assume it uses the computer account to authenticate and create a secure channel to request an SPN and it wont work over a non domain joined machine, even when run with runas or powershell get-credential command ????

ankushgoel27 commented 5 years ago

I am having the same issue. The client doesnt allow to join computer to domain. Please Help.

Rourke101 commented 4 years ago

Anyone found out what was going on?