PowerfulBacon / GJ2022

A 2D sandbox game where you command pawns to construct a space station.
5 stars 0 forks source link

Pawn Health #113

Closed PowerfulBacon closed 2 years ago

PowerfulBacon commented 2 years ago

Pawns have a health system and can die.

PowerfulBacon commented 2 years ago

Bodies contain limbs. Limbs contain organs.

When a limb gets shot, it has a chance to hit the inside organs and will take damage.

Limbs only need human applied overlay IDs, animals like corgis and stuff will display a single texture all the time (I can't sprite limbs for every single animal).

PowerfulBacon commented 2 years ago

Pawn damage + death details:

Pawns will have a blood stream which contains gasses.

The brain will consume oxygen from the blood stream and put carbon dioxide into it. If the lungs are destroyed, this will build up and kill the pawn, otherwise the lungs will transfer CO2 to the environment and O2 into the bloodstream. (Upgraded lungs work faster and can filter bad gasses)

The blood will contain 2 points, the usable section and the section accessed by the lungs. The heart will pump gasses between these. If the heart fails, the lungs can still move oxygen into the input of the bloodstream, however the body will not be able to use that oxygen since there is no heart to move the oxygen into the core of the body.

The liver will remove toxins from a pawn. These toxins slowly build up over time.

The stomache will allow food to be processed and converted to nutrition, without it food will be useless to a pawn and it will die of starvation.

The brain being destroyed instantly kills a pawn.

Ears, eyes, nose and tongue being destroyed simply causes the function they provide to be weakened (sight halved etc.)

If the body or head limb is destroyed a pawn will instantly die.

If other limbs are destroyed, their contained organs will not be able to process and any gain they provided will be removed (if an organ inside a destroyed limb provided 50 sight, it now provides 0).

The other way pawns can die is from blood loss; blood is stored in the body. Note that blood isn't required for all pawns (Robotic pawns would have the ability to work differently, dying only if their generator / power source is destroyed)

PowerfulBacon commented 2 years ago

Atmos needs to be thread safe.