Powerlevel9k / powerlevel9k

Powerlevel9k was a tool for building a beautiful and highly functional CLI, customized for you. P9k had a substantial impact on CLI UX, and its legacy is now continued by P10k.
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Default .zshrc file mistakenly calls all variables P9K_... instead of POWERLEVEL9K_... #1311

Open lazarillo opened 5 years ago

lazarillo commented 5 years ago

Describe Your Issue

What is happening?

I have fixed the problem, but what was happening was that my initial .zshrc file used the environment variable prefix of P9K_ instead of POWERLEVEL9K_, as you can see in the screenshot below.


Have you tried to debug or fix it?

Yes, I eventually fixed this, but it was a big pain because it's one of those things you can stare at for hours and not notice, since subconsciously I kept seeing P9K as POWERLEVEL9K.

Environment Information

This information will help us understand your configuration.

zsh 5.4.2 (x86_64-ubuntu-linux-gnu)

Yes, Oh-My-ZSH. I used the instructions found here to install it. (This is a fresh install.)

I cannot remember now, but I think by cloning the repo.

0.6.7, the newest as of June, 2019

Terminator and the default Ubuntu terminal. (I have Ubuntu 18.04.)

Final Note

It's unclear to me if I should change all of the P9K_... environment variables over to POWERLEVEL9K_.... So, while this bug report is mostly to report it - I have solved the major issues for myself - I would like to know whether I should fix all of these P9K_... variables in my .zshrc file.


romkatv commented 5 years ago

Default .zshrc file mistakenly calls all variables P9K_... instead of POWERLEVEL9K_... [...] my initial .zshrc file used the environment variable prefix of P9K_ instead of POWERLEVEL9K_

When you say "default" and "initial", what do you mean? Where did you get this .zshrc file?

Perhaps you've copied the config from https://github.com/bhilburn/powerlevel9k/wiki/Show-Off-Your-Config#p9kgt? This wiki page is community managed. None of the configs presented in there are officially endorsed, officially recommended or officially supported. This particular config is evidently for the next branch of p9k -- a bleeding edge branch with active development. You are free to use it but you'll need to have higher tolerance for bugs and breaking changes. Features from next eventually make it into master after rigorous testing. Most users are on master.

If you really want to use this config as is, run git checkout next in powerlevel9k directory. I don't recommend it though.

You can also try renaming all P9K variables to POWERLEVEL9K. Most of them will work. Some may not.

I would like to know whether I should fix all of these P9K_... variables in my .zshrc file.

Up to you. Right now these variables have no effect on your theme. If it looks fine to you, you can delete these parameters.