Powerlevel9k / powerlevel9k

Powerlevel9k was a tool for building a beautiful and highly functional CLI, customized for you. P9k had a substantial impact on CLI UX, and its legacy is now continued by P10k.
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Unable to change theme in .zshrc file #1405

Open adeleke5140 opened 4 years ago

adeleke5140 commented 4 years ago

I installed powerlevel using the vanilla method for ZSH instead of the one recommended for oh-my-zsh. I used the following commands:

$ git clone https://github.com/bhilburn/powerlevel9k.git ~/powerlevel9k $ echo 'source ~/powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme' >> ~/.zshrc

and when i checked my .zshrc file in my home directory, the theme is still set to robbyrussel but the theme showing up in the terminal is powerlevel. How exactly do i fix this?

Thutm commented 4 years ago

If i'm following you correctly, it appears that you cloned a copy of the repository to the root of your home directory and then instructed zsh to source the theme file when zsh is launched (via the .zshrc file. I assume it put it at the end of your .zshrc file so it would technically work but I don't know if that's following the convention that oh-my-zsh follows.

You could set 'ZSH_THEME="powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k' in your .zshrc (which is what I do) to tell zsh that's the theme you want but all that is really doing is telling zsh to go source that same .zsh-theme file. Effectively your doing the same thing.

If you want to line up the configurations like the documentation specifies then I would add the ZSH_THEME variable into your ~/.zshrc file (Or I suppose update the part that says robbyrussel to powerlevel9k) and then delete the line that has 'source ~/powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme'.