PowerlineApp / powerline-rn

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Release B - 3.1.0 Bug Holding List Consolidated #293

Closed jterps08 closed 6 years ago

jterps08 commented 6 years ago


1. Selecting @mention suggestion does not enter the text (e.g. the @username) into the body of the post/comment correctly (completed) 2. User is able to enter coupon/referral code when editing the subscription for a group. (completed - need testing!) 3. Confirm New Device/Phone flow works correctly (completed) 4. Doublecheck that OneSignal and /devices is setup properly for FB registration, Manual registration, FBlogin, Manual login, and Security Recovery (New Device) login (completed) 5. User searches for someone to follow. Results appear. User changes search query. App crashes. (completed) 6. Analytics screen: "The troubles that we have as a society..." This whole statement is supposed to be the body of the post. I have no idea what Matheus was doing here - I told him about this and he said it was fixed. (completed) 7. Need to confirm that a user can make a payment to a fundraiser (Jesse) 8. Need to confirm that a user can add card to a group and change subscription level (Jesse) (complete)

NONCORE 9. FB registration does not prefill country code (completed) 10. Country code field should only allow two letters, right? (completed) 11. More Menu Groups list is repeating (completed) 12. Group feed is repeating too - redux store issue? (completed) 13. Attached video is not clickable (cannot be opened) on leader content, at least when there are multiple attachments. Did not test if it is the only attachment. (completed - this one was already working on iOS. need to verify on android) 14. Add Group button does not bring user to Add Group screen (My Groups > Add Group) as expected (completed) 15. For New Group Creation, the option "Non-Profit(Not Campaign)" needs to be changed to "Non-Profit(Not Campaign)" (needs space) (completed) 16. Time ago is falling two second line. should stay on first line (completed) 17. Item Detail Screen should only show large image, not small image attachment. (completed) 18. For Group Feed Header UI, just keep the collapsed view and get rid of expanded view. It doesn't work correctly when expanded, so just keep collapsed. (completed) 19. When a picture is attached, it isn't centered and text is squeezed too much in newsfeed (completed) 20. Country line runs over two second line on new post/petition screen (completed) 21. Add photo /create poster icons are cut off on new post/petition screens (completed) 22. Imgix: Change all 50x50 to 150x150... For attachments, change to 300 for large image, 150 for small image (completed) 23. The analytics button is displacing the Reply button on the Item Detail screen for Posts. Either remove Reply button for Posts or change sizing. Thinking to remove Reply button is better? (completed) 24. Analytics button should never appear in newsfeed, but Reply button can appear in newsfeed (for posts /user petitions) (completed) 25. Poster toast text needs to be updated for new petition, only implemented for new post (completed) 26. After creating new poll / leader content, the app correctly opens the Item Detail Screen, but the back button brings user to the new poll form. Should not. (completed) 27. On My Influences screen, placeholder text "Only follow those you respect... and want to receive notifications from!" (completed by Jesse) 28. Login Screen: "Signup with E-mail" --> "Signup with Phone"... Remove "Forgot Password" (completed) 29. Login: "I have a new device" --> "I have a new phone number" (completed) 30. Terms of Service: Change Effective Date to 11/15/2017 ... Privacy Policy: Change Effective Date to 11/15/2017 (makes us seem newer :-P) (completed) 31. Search bar on group selector does not work (completed) 32. Hide "New Group Announcement" from New Item Menu for now. We will unhide for Agency work (completed) 33. The "RSVP" action button doesn't actually open the item, "Open" action button (discussion) doesn't actually open the item (completed) 34. Creating a group petition opens up the wrong item detail screen / doesn't actually work... same with new fundraiser (for group petition - was backend related - need to retest) (completed) 34.2. ..fundraiser may not have worked because I did not have bank account setup. It should not allow me to send if bank account does not exist. it should prompt me to setup bank account if bank account does not exist.... (completed) 35. Counter refresh issue. When item is marked as read or when newsfeed is refreshed, this counter needs to be refreshed. (completed) 36. Take a look at iOS Item Detail UI and optimize font sizing. 43. Correct Mixpanel implementation (completed) 44. Disallow users from seeing the Group Profile Screen if the group is local/state/country type. (completed) 45. User Feed (Follow/Unfollow Icon) - Move to upper right next to Mute button (from #121). Mute on left and Follow/Unfollow on right. See mockup. (completed) 46. Home Button should always result in Home Screen with Newsfeed tab selected. (completed) 37. TWILIO is more important than everything after this point: 38. Low Priority: If user tried to "take photo" to attach to an item, the UI will force user to select gallery image before camera actually opens. Then, UI forces user to crop camera shot and gallery image... even though the app only (correctly) adds the camera shot to the item. 39. Low priority: Unable to edit new petition title after user starts enter text (or adds photo) 40. Hyperlinking (mentions, hashtags, URLs) not active on Item Detail Screen... (completed) 41. When user selects a feed and group feed header UI shows, then user returns to "all" Feed, group header does not disappear. Group header should disappear. (completed) 42. When user selects a group from the "My Groups" screen he is navigated to a group profile, if user comes back and selects another group, it'll render the data for the first group instead of the second one that was tapped

ADD: 43 Text should not be truncated on item detail screen (completed) 44 Add default $0 option to fundraisers (completed) 45 dont allow to create polls with less than 2 options (test if 1/2 options work for events/polls to make sure poll will be published) (completed)