Ppgtjmad / SimpleShops

[HG] Simple Shops
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HUD dont work for me #33

Closed ExaBusse closed 6 years ago

ExaBusse commented 6 years ago

Cant get the hud to work. I am using it to a TVT mission All other scripts run get no errors. even tryed it totaly defult. plz help me =P. get me a better dummy guid just to get the system running i am running it on local computer as i am moding. but with the SQL base it seams to save the cash i did print in to try to buy from the stores and the xp and so on i did try by code. but i dont update on kills or on flag cap in sector i cant get it to react on shit to be onest.

Ppgtjmad commented 6 years ago


I'm sorry to say that your description is very messy, going in all directions at the same time. I get that you're having issues with the HUD not displaying, make sure it is enabled in HG_Config.h and that you followed the given steps on the wiki.

Ppgtjmad commented 6 years ago


ExaBusse commented 6 years ago

I have the hud running but it dont count kills and no xp and cash.

resetSavedMoney = false; enableHUD = true; enablePaycheck = true; enableKillReward = true; enableTeamKillPenalty = true; enableCrate = true; enableGiveMoney = true; enableBuyToGarage = true; clearInventory = true; storeVehiclesOnDisconnect = true; deleteBodyOnDisconnect = false; resetGaragesOnServerStart = false; enablePlayerInventorySave = true; enableVehicleInventorySave = true; enableXP = true; enableKillCount = true; enableTags = true; enableMarkers = true; enableATM = true; enableWhitelist = false;

and i get no wrong readings can it be cous i start the game dead and wake to life script? image The cash is cous i scripted it in

Ppgtjmad commented 6 years ago

As long as enableKillReward is true, kill rewards work for HUMAN controlled units. For AIs you need to set it up this way -> https://github.com/Ppgtjmad/SimpleShops/wiki/How-to-setup-kill-rewards

ExaBusse commented 6 years ago

Solved it is in my AI script it give a error to i will fix this =) But there is no reward for cap flag wanna add a script for it? And maby count in script for bleeding tickets to to the cash.

Ppgtjmad commented 6 years ago

You should check this page -> https://github.com/Ppgtjmad/SimpleShops/wiki/Useful-Functions Add or sub cash/Add or sub XP sections

ExaBusse commented 6 years ago

Thx still have problems with // _unit is the AI unit, variable name can be anything... [_unit] call HG_fnc_aiUnitSetup; Cant seam to get to work as a init function. wanna help out? I am kinda new to c++ and Arma 3.

Scripts name i use to spawn is called blufor_ai.sqf opfor_ai.sqf and independent_ai.sqf So a init function when ever any of theese scripts are called then this line is added to the unit. but i cant seam to get a working line. It is like the spawn script over ride it.

And they are on Standard trigger events of 250 meter from the sector center the script get exec.

Ppgtjmad commented 6 years ago

You have to pass an AI unit to HG_fnc_aiUnitSetup function, _unit refers to a variable holding an unit object. Don't know how I can help more than what's already available to you...

ExaBusse commented 6 years ago

private ["_min_groups", "_max_groups", "min_group_size", "_max_group_size", "_number_groups", "_man_type"];

private ["_this_speed","_speed","_this_formation","_formation","_formation_count","_this_group","_this_man_odds","skill_odds","_skill_index"];

_group0 = Creategroup Independent; _group1 = Creategroup Independent; _group2 = Creategroup Independent; _group3 = Creategroup Independent; _group4 = Creategroup Independent; _group5 = Creategroup Independent; _group6 = Creategroup Independent; _group7 = Creategroup Independent;

// **


_min_groups = 4; // The mimimum number of groups that will be created _max_groups = 8; // The maximum number of groups that will be created. This number CANNOT exceed 8

_min_group_size = 3; // The minimum number of people a group can contain _max_group_size = 10; // The maximum number of people a group can contain.

_start_distance = 100; // This is the minimum spawn distance for a group from the trigger point _max_distance = 250; // This is the maximum spawn distance for a group from the trigger point

_max_enemy_distance = 50; // This is the maximum distance a group can be from the player as the group follows the player around

// ** // // This array contains the type of enemy soldiers that a group can contain.

//_man_type=["O_Soldier_F","O_officer_F","O_Soldier_GL_F","O_Soldier_AR_F","O_Soldier_AT_F"]; _man_type=["I_C_Soldier_Para_4_F","I_C_Soldier_Para_5_F","I_C_Soldier_Para_6_F","I_C_Soldier_Para_7_F","I_C_Soldier_Para_3_F"];

// The man odds give the chances of what type of soldiers the enemy group will contain. 100 is 100% // // For example, if _man_odds_group1=[100,70,60,10,5]; it means that the chances of O_Soldier_F being created are 100 - 70, which is 30%, for // O_officer_F, the chances are 70 - 60 which is 10% chance. And so on. Each group can have different odds.

_man_odds_group0=[100,90,60,20,10]; _man_odds_group1=[100,70,60,10,5]; _man_odds_group2=[100,50,40,10,5]; _man_odds_group3=[100,95,40,30,25]; _man_odds_group4=[100,80,20,15,5]; _man_odds_group5=[100,50,40,10,5]; _man_odds_group6=[100,50,40,10,5]; _man_odds_group7=[100,50,40,10,5];

// ** // // These numbers represent the time BEFORE each group will be spawned in. Times are in seconds. // // _group_spawn_delay_min=[30,45,30,60,60,30]; // _group_spawn_delay_max=[40,60,60,80,65,40]; // // The initial delay before any groups are spawned will be 30 seconds + random time of (40 - 30), so 30 seconds + random of 10 seconds. // The next group will spawn at 45 seconds + random time of (60 - 45), so 45 seconds + random of 15 seconds, and so on.

_group_spawn_delay_min=[60,60,60,60,60,120,120,120,120]; _group_spawn_delay_max=[80,120,120,80,240,240,240,240,240]; _sleep_delay = 20; // This MUST be at least two times less than any of the _group_spawn_delay numbers

// ** // // The _speed_type array contains the various types of speed the group can operate at.


// The _speed_odds array uses the same chance principles as the man odds. // For example, _speed_odds = [100,60,30]; will give 100 - 60, which is 40% chance that the group will have LIMITED speed, and so on.

_speed_odds = [100,60,30];

// The _formation_type array contains all the types of formations that each group can move to a waypoint with.


// The _formation_odds array uses the same chance principles as the man odds.

_formation_odds = [100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10];

// **

_group_skill=[0.2, 0.3, 0.4 ,0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]; _group_skill_level=["Novice","Rookie","Rookie","Recruit","Recruit","Veteran","Veteran","Expert"];

_skill_odds=[100, 95, 85, 70, 50, 30, 15, 5]; // Must contain the same number of entries as _group_skill

// **

_all_groups = [_group0, _group1, _group2, _group3, _group4, _group5, _group6, _group7]; _all_man_odds = [_man_odds_group0, _man_odds_group1, _man_odds_group2, _man_odds_group3, _man_odds_group4, _man_odds_group5];

_number_groups = floor(random (_max_groups - _min_groups)) + _min_groups;

//hint format ["Groups %1", _number_groups];

_man_number = count _man_type;

_formation_count = count _formation_type;

private ["_i", "_j", "_k", "_odds", "_table_odds", "_this_man", "_skill_level"];

//hint format ["Position %1, %2",_spawn_position, _number_groups];

_skill_count = (count _group_skill) - 1;

// **

_group_counter = 0;

_wait_time = 0;

_delay_min = _group_spawn_delay_min select _group_counter;
_delay_max = _group_spawn_delay_max select _group_counter;

_delay_time =  (random (_delay_max - _delay_min)) + _delay_min;

_wait_time = _wait_time + _delay_time;

_skill_index = 0;

// hint format ["Initial Delay: %1", _delay_time];

while {alive player} do

    if ( time > _wait_time) then

        if ( _group_counter < _number_groups) then

            _this_group = _all_groups select _group_counter;
            _this_man_odds = _all_man_odds select _group_counter;

            _group_size = floor(random (_max_group_size - _min_group_size)) + _min_group_size;

            _spawn_position = position player;

            _xpos = _spawn_position select 0;
            _ypos = _spawn_position select 1;
            _zpos = _spawn_position select 2;

            _distance = _start_distance + random (_max_distance - _start_distance);
            _angle = random 360;

            _xxpos = (_distance * cos _angle);
            _yypos = (_distance * sin _angle);

            _xpos = _xpos + _xxpos;
            _ypos = _ypos + _yypos;

            _spawn_position set [0, _xpos];
            _spawn_position set [1, _ypos];
            _spawn_position set [2, _zpos];

            _odds = random (100);

            for "_i" from 0 to _skill_count do

                _table_odds = _skill_odds select _i;

                if (_odds < _table_odds) then
                    _skill_index = _i;



// hint format ["_skill_index %1, _skill_count %2", _skill_index, _skill_count];

            _skill_level = _group_skill select _skill_index;
            _skill_level_name = _group_skill_level select _skill_index;

            for "_i" from 0 to (_group_size - 1) do

                _odds = random (100);

                for "_j" from 0 to (_man_number - 1) do

                    _table_odds = _this_man_odds select _j;

                    if (_odds < _table_odds) then

                        _this_man = _j;


                _man = _man_type select _this_man;
                _man createUnit [_spawn_position, _this_group,"this allowFleeing 0", _skill_level, "Private"];


// hint format ["ENEMY SPAWNED: Group size %1, Skill: %2", _group_size,_skill_level_name];

            _formation = _formation_type select floor random count _formation_type;

            _wp1 = _this_group addWaypoint [position player, _max_enemy_distance];
            _wp2 = _this_group addWaypoint [position player, _max_enemy_distance];
            _wp3 = _this_group addWaypoint [position player, _max_enemy_distance]; 

            _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; 
            _wp1 setwaypointtype "MOVE"; 
            _wp1 setWaypointFormation _formation;
            _wp1 setWaypointSpeed "Normal";
            _wp1 setwaypointstatements ["True", ""];

            _wp2 setwaypointtype "MOVE"; 

            _wp3 setWaypointType "Cycle";

            _group_counter = _group_counter + 1;

            _delay_min = _group_spawn_delay_min select _group_counter;
            _delay_max = _group_spawn_delay_max select _group_counter;

            _delay_time =  (random (_delay_max - _delay_min)) + _delay_min;

            _wait_time = _wait_time + _delay_time;

// hint format ["Initial Delay: %1", _delay_time];



    for "_i" from 0 to (_group_counter - 1) do

        _this_group = _all_groups select _i;

        _odds = random (100);

        for "_j" from 0 to ((count _speed_odds) - 1) do

            _table_odds = _speed_odds select _j;

            if (_odds < _table_odds) then
                _this_speed = _j;


        _odds = random (100);

         for [ {_j=0}, { _j <  _formation_count}, { _j =_j+1 } ] do

            _table_odds = _formation_odds select _j;

            if (_odds < _table_odds) then
                _this_formation = _j;


        _speed = _speed_type select _this_speed;
        _formation = _formation_type select _this_formation;

// hint format ["Speed: %1, Formation: %2", _speed, _formation];

        [_this_group, 1] setWaypointSpeed _speed;
        [_this_group, 1] setWaypointFormation _formation;

        [_this_group, 1] setWaypointPosition [ getPosATL player, random (_max_enemy_distance) ];
        [_this_group, 2] setWaypointPosition [ getPosATL player, random (_max_enemy_distance) ];


sleep _sleep_delay;


Here is the spawn script i use where do i add the HG_fnc_aiUnitSetup. to get it to work it is not my spawn script and i need to have the script cous it uses 3 veriables selected by the owner of the sector a non taken town have this GUER spawn a taken uses a simular script with WEST or EAST

and it is set to a trigger on condition to activate at any 1 near it. at a nul = execVM "file.sqf"; command

Ppgtjmad commented 6 years ago

Replace this line

_man createUnit [_spawn_position, _this_group,"this allowFleeing 0", _skill_level, "Private"];


_unit = _this_group createUnit [_man, _spawn_position, [], 0, "FORM"];
_unit setUnitRank "PRIVATE"; 
_unit setSkill _skill_level;   
_unit allowFleeing 0;  
[_unit] call HG_fnc_aiUnitSetup;

Basically it's the same thing but the createUnit syntax I'm using here returns OBJECT that I then use as a param to the function. Should work just fine.

ExaBusse commented 6 years ago

Thx man i tryed to add it there before but i couldent get it to call it right. have any one told you they love you man cous i really do love you now. it works super fine now.

ExaBusse commented 6 years ago

you will be crazy now =P can you add the string in server init file insed lets say name all AI in number from 0-1 000 000 and add the unit command to em cous i am now working a redo a mission a friend asked me and he have sevral spawn scripts and some are set to spawn from the ingame build insted. some are players when they leav and a AI take over. is there a way to do the count skill on all AI? with a simpel rename of the AI and implement it like i did say earlier?