Ppgtjmad / SimpleShops

[HG] Simple Shops
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My store plugin is not working #73

Closed YukikazeMua closed 1 year ago

YukikazeMua commented 1 year ago

I integrated the store plugin into the Domination, but after I mounted the task to the server, the server couldn't use the store plugin, and when I downloaded the task file, it caused me to fail to download and get kicked off the server

Ppgtjmad commented 1 year ago

Hello @YukikazeMua,

I don't quite understand your issue, could you please explain more in details and provide a log file.

Thank you.

YukikazeMua commented 1 year ago

hi @Ppgtjmad After adding your store mod to the dominate quest, I cannot use your store plugin on my server . But I can use it on my local server

After entering the server, there is no HUD in the lower right corner, and the store can open normally, but it prompts me to refresh the data, and I cannot add money, which is always 0.

Ppgtjmad commented 1 year ago

What saving method are you using? Profile namespace or extDB?

Please provide me with a log file so I can have a closer look, it could be anything...

YukikazeMua commented 1 year ago

Ok, I've fixed the server kicking issue, but I still can't use the store plugin because it shows me money is always 0 and there's no HUD in the bottom right corner

YukikazeMua commented 1 year ago

I failed to obtain data using both Profile namespace and extDB. This is because my extDB log error occurred

Ppgtjmad commented 1 year ago

2023/02/13, 18:55:24 "extDB3: Error Failed to Connect to Database: [0,""Error Invalid Format""]"

Your extDB is not configured correctly thus not saving nor pulling data to/from your database.

I suggest you have a look at this page ->https://github.com/Ppgtjmad/SimpleShops/wiki/database

Report back with any concerns.

YukikazeMua commented 1 year ago

/ SAVING / savingMethod = "extDB"; extDBDatabase = "HG"; extDBProtocol = "SQL_CUSTOM"; extDBCustomFile = "custom.ini";

YukikazeMua commented 1 year ago

These are my Settings, and I'm using the same Settings to put your work on the server and access the database normally.but, I have multiple databases in my extdb3-conf.ini.

Ppgtjmad commented 1 year ago

A few things you can try:

  1. Make sure you load the extDB3 that's in SimpleShops extDB3 folder
  2. Open @extDB3/extdb3-conf.ini file and check your database connection informations under [HG]
Ppgtjmad commented 1 year ago

Or if you already have an extDB3 setup, just merge corresponding files.

YukikazeMua commented 1 year ago

[Domination] IP = Port = 3306 Username = dominationdb Password = c2FGnDRRC84w8zWE Database = domination

[HG] IP = 127.0.01 Port = 3306 Username = changeme Password = changeme Database = HG

Ppgtjmad commented 1 year ago

I guess the username and password are the same as your [Domination] one:

[HG] IP = 127.0.01 Port = 3306 Username = dominationdb Password = c2FGnDRRC84w8zWE Database = HG

Just make sure dominationdb user has full rights on the HG database.

YukikazeMua commented 1 year ago

The Settings are correct, I used your mission and can access it correctly

Ppgtjmad commented 1 year ago

Does domination come with extDB too or not?

YukikazeMua commented 1 year ago


Ppgtjmad commented 1 year ago

Just load one extDB with a single extdb3-conf.ini file with both your databases domination and HG.

Make sure you have created the HG database with the HG_SimpleShops.sql file.

Then use the same credentials for both databases in extdb3-conf.ini, same username and password for both.

SimpleShops works fine on its own and when it's implemented in many missions as per users feedback, there's likely an issue with your current extDB setup.

YukikazeMua commented 1 year ago

Please wait for me

YukikazeMua commented 1 year ago

I cleared the database after using this setting, and then Domination loaded the database, but HG did not

Ppgtjmad commented 1 year ago

What does the RPT say this time? Does dominationdb have full access/rights to the HG database?

Ppgtjmad commented 1 year ago

Alright, can you use the extDB debug version instead to see where the exact issue is?

extDB3/Optional/Debug Files but keep your extdb3-conf.ini

With the debug DLLs you'll get more infos in your extDB log files.

Ppgtjmad commented 1 year ago

Ok so the best thing for you to do is to open your domination database and import the HG_SimpleShops.sql file with this part REMOVED:

USE `HG`; -- ! IMPORTANT ! --

Then also remove the [HG] database in extdb3-conf.ini and set extDBDatabase to "Domination" in HG_Config.h like so:

extDBDatabase = "Domination";

YukikazeMua commented 1 year ago

Need me to give you pbo and ini?

Ppgtjmad commented 1 year ago

Send what you got, also a screenshot of your database setup without any sensitive infos.

Ppgtjmad commented 1 year ago

You didn't do as requested, you should only have one database in the ini config file [Domination] that's it.

[22:30:55:619520 +08:00] [Thread 322692] extDB3: Input from Server: 9:ADD_DATABASE:Domination [22:31:05:614942 +08:00] [Thread 322692] extDB3: Error Invalid Format: 9:ADD_DATABASE:domination

YukikazeMua commented 1 year ago

Do I need to put these two together

Ppgtjmad commented 1 year ago

Please send me your PBO

YukikazeMua commented 1 year ago

Could you tell me your email address or yours discord

Ppgtjmad commented 1 year ago


YukikazeMua commented 1 year ago

Could you tell me your username

Ppgtjmad commented 1 year ago
