Materials for MIT workshop "Practical Computing Tutorials for Earth Scientists"
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Julia stack v converting lectures from other languages #17

Open gaelforget opened 4 years ago

gaelforget commented 4 years ago

We talked a bit yesterday, with @hdrake, about whether everything needed to redo the big data lecture in native Julia was already there. Here are packages / notebooks that I am aware of and might be useful for this one or e.g. possibly lecture 5 ( @mfreilich1 , please see annotations):

Will aim to take another look / try a couple things and get back to you early next week if useful ...

ps. also e.g. the grid related plots in might be representative of what climate models use (Figs 1, 2 + C1, C2 -> lecture 5)

gaelforget commented 4 years ago

Also (see post by @meggart in )

hdrake commented 4 years ago

I've summarized here what I think we would want as the foundation of a julia stack (basically the julia equivalent of xarray + dask), which actually may already exist in ESDL.jl but is possible still fairly unstable / poorly documented.

@meggart's PANGEO CMIP6 example is a promising start