PradyumnaKrishna / enigma-protocol

An end to end encrypted messenger using Flask, SocketIO, and Vue.js
MIT License
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Remove Logged User Google Credentials from Console Log for Enhanced Security #81

Closed Nishitbaria closed 9 months ago

Nishitbaria commented 9 months ago

Description: Currently, the logged user's Google credentials (such as access tokens, tokens, or any sensitive information) are visible in the browser's console.log. This poses a significant security threat as malicious actors can exploit this information to gain unauthorized access to the user's account and sensitive data.

Expected Behavior: To ensure the security and privacy of our users, we must prevent any sensitive information, including Google credentials, from being exposed in the console.log.

Proposed Solution:

  1. Review the codebase thoroughly to identify any instances where user Google credentials are being logged to the console.
  2. Modify the relevant code sections to remove any logging of sensitive information.
  3. Implement best practices for handling user authentication and session management to prevent the exposure of sensitive data.
  4. Ensure that no sensitive information is inadvertently logged in the future by conducting regular code reviews and adhering to secure coding practices.

