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Add access rule to restrict to officially enrolled students #2232

Open mwest1066 opened 4 years ago

mwest1066 commented 4 years ago

We've previously enforced official enrollment checking only within the CBTF, by having the scheduler check official enrollments to allow reservations and then having PL check with the scheduler.

For remote exams, it would be great to also have PL check the official enrollments directly.

trombonekenny commented 4 years ago

What's your tolerance for the right way vs the quick way?

mwest1066 commented 4 years ago

I'd be happy to consider quick. What are you thinking for the options here?

trombonekenny commented 4 years ago

The AD group we'd match against looks roughly like: PHYS 211 A3 2019 Fall CRN34566

Do we care about assessment access or course instance access for this? Seems more CI and directly attached to enrollment? Either something we add in the infoCourseInstance.json options? Or access control rules?

mwest1066 commented 4 years ago

I guess the fastest hacky fix would be a courseInstance allowAccess rule like ADGroupRegexp that we'd match against?

And the proper way to fix it would be to add CRNs to the course instance and set enrollments to be verified=true or something like that? And then add a courseInstance allowAccess rule to only permit verified enrollments?

trombonekenny commented 4 years ago

Maybe leave allowAccess the same and create a new allowEnrollment section that has its own access-like rules for dates allowed, or roster metadata (rubric, section, term, CRN) that we match on the backend based on institution?

mwest1066 commented 4 years ago

Do we want to check the AD groups for enrollment on every access? Or does that leave us vulnerable to failing AD setups?

trombonekenny commented 4 years ago

Thinking more about this, I think we'd need to switch some sort of server session storage to make it happen. We'd only have the group memberships list on Shib auth (not subsequent calls in the header), and it's too large to make sense in the pl_authn cookie.

Or else we'd have to do all of the enrolling in authCallbackShib.js - which is good for being "auto enrolled" in all of your courses, I guess?