PrajaktaSathe / Java

Includes programs written in Java. You are welcome to contribute here!
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Implementing Strassen's Multiplication and 0-1 Knapsack(DP) in Java #144

Closed srijanishere closed 1 year ago

srijanishere commented 1 year ago

Program to implement Strassen's Multiplication in Java and Knapsack Problem solved using DP

The first program takes two square matrices as user inputs and multiplies them using the Strassen's Multiplication method. The second program solves the 0-1 Knapsack problem using Dynamic Programming

PrajaktaSathe commented 1 year ago

Please add your program details in the main readme file. Thanks! Do star the repo!

srijanishere commented 1 year ago

I can't get the GitHub link unless you merge this PR. I need the GitHub link of my file in this repo to paste in the readme.

PrajaktaSathe commented 1 year ago

Go ahead!

srijanishere commented 1 year ago

@PrajaktaSathe I've updated the readme file and opened another PR(#145), please check. Thank you.