Backend Generator CLI is a simple yet powerful command-line tool that helps you quickly scaffold a well-structured backend project. With built-in best practices and customizable code snippets, this tool is designed to streamline your development workflow and help you focus on what matters: building your application. Link to the npm package👇
Objective: Implement an "auto-label" GitHub workflow to automatically assign the "gssoc-ext" and "hacktoberfest-accepted" labels to relevant pull requests and issues.
This workflow will streamline the labeling process by automatically applying the "gssoc-ext" and the "hacktoberfest-accepted" label to Issues.
By automating these labels, we can ensure consistent tracking and visibility of contributions tied to these significant events.
Implementing this "auto-label" workflow will enhance project organization
Objective: Implement an "auto-label" GitHub workflow to automatically assign the "gssoc-ext" and "hacktoberfest-accepted" labels to relevant pull requests and issues.
Implementing this "auto-label" workflow will enhance project organization