Praqma / tracey-jenkins-trigger-plugin

Jenkins RabbitMQ trigger for Tracey project
MIT License
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Refactoring to improve readability #30

Closed Andrey9kin closed 8 years ago

Andrey9kin commented 8 years ago

We did some amount of clean up during integration of tracey broker 1.1.0 There are more improvements that could be done:

Andrey9kin commented 8 years ago

@alexsedova, please consider updating help messages

Job configuration

Tracey Trigger => RabbitMQ trigger or Tracey RabbitMQ trigger

Exchange => RabbitMQ exchange name Help message: As far as I recall trigger will create an exchange if it does not exist. If it so then we need to mention that in the help message Idea: if we do create an exchange then we need to provide possibility to specify exchange type (Please create a separate issue for that if it is the case)

Tracey host => RabbitMQ host

Add payload to an environment -> Environment key. Currently help message says: The environment key for the payload received. Proposal: Change name of the field to "Environment variable name to store payload" and update help message to something like "Name of an environment variable to store payload received from the message that triggered this job. If you like to extract certain piece of payload, then use regex-based extractions below."

Add payloads to environment Proposal: Change name to Regex-based extractions. The help message is detailed enough but missing examples. Please add few.

Payload regex filter is missing help message. Please add it and make sure to provide examples

Global configuration

Tracey host configuration => Message broker hosts configuration for Tracey

Button Add Tracey host => Add RabbitMQ host

Andrey9kin commented 8 years ago

One more thing - please make sure to update screenshots