PrasannPradeepPatil / Booking-Website

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Database config and setup #11

Open manish-alluri opened 2 years ago

manish-alluri commented 2 years ago

Description -

A database is set up for storing and filtering purposes with enhanced methods. This includes all the route plans, flight pricing and airport details as well.

Acceptance Criteria -

The database includes all the major routes and airports which are commonly used and there are a large number of flyers around the country. Include all the various details of the airline, flights and their trip details in the database using unique ids so they can be looked up when search is used by the user. Store the user details and information in the database during the next phase of the booking process where they enter mandatory details for booking their flight. Stores the login information of the consumers for authentications and validation. Sophisticated security measures are to be applied to prevent data breach.

Update on database creation

Database has been setup, config with APIs once the homepage has been created.

ahamad-s commented 2 years ago
