PrasannPradeepPatil / Booking-Website

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Flight Payment Page - Stage 2 #15

Open pranalinarkar opened 2 years ago

pranalinarkar commented 2 years ago

Description:- The page will display passenger information input and ticket price breakdown

  1. Passenger information form As a user, I will see a passenger information details form which will take input for the following details: -

a. Contact Email (Required) This is an email input box that will be initially blank. The user will enter an email and the email should be validated. If the email is invalid, an error message “Enter a valid email address” should be displayed below the input box.


b. Contact Number (Required) This is a phone number input box that will be initially blank. The user will enter a contact number and the contact number should be validated. If the contact number is invalid, an error message “Enter a valid contact number” should be displayed below the input box.


  1. First Name (Required) This is an input box that will be initially blank. There should be an information message for the user “Enter your first name as it exactly appears in your passport” displayed under the First Name input box.

  2. Last Name (Required) This is an input box that will be initially blank. There should be an information message for the user “Enter your last name as it exactly appears in your passport” displayed under the Last Name input box.


  1. Gender (Required) This will be a radio button with two inputs.

  2. Male

  3. Female

  4. Date of Birth (Required) This is an input box for the date which will be initially blank. The date entered should be validated and if the date entered is invalid, a proper error message should be displayed under the input box.

  5. Display ticket cost information including flight fare, taxes, and airline fees.

All information will be displayed which will include ticket base price, taxes, airline special fees, and the total final cost.

Acceptance Criteria: -

  1. Given that I am a user, when I should be able to enter my personal details which include first name, last name, email, contact no, gender and date of birth.
  2. Given that I am a user, I should be warned in case I enter invalid email, date of birth and contact number.
  3. Given that I am a user, I should be able to see the final ticket cost details with ticket price breakdown.

Screen for reference:-
