PrasannPradeepPatil / Booking-Website

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Post Authentication API #36

Open ahamad-s opened 2 years ago

ahamad-s commented 2 years ago

Description: This API is triggered to inform the backend regarding the authentication status. If the authentication is successful booking information is stored and confirmation email is sent to the customer.

Acceptance Criteria: This API is triggered when the customer enters the 6-digit code in the popup after checkout and clicks on "submit" button. This API then stores the customer information if the authentication is successful and triggers the email API with appropriate confirmation mail type.

Request: { "codeStatus":"", "customerName":"", "bookingDate":"", "emailAdd":"", "mobileNumber":"", "source":"", "destination":"" }

response: { "emailStatus":"", "apiStatus":"", "errorCode":"", "referenceNumber":"" }