PrasannPradeepPatil / Booking-Website

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Hotel Listing/Filtering API #42

Open ahamad-s opened 2 years ago

ahamad-s commented 2 years ago

Description: This API returns all the available hotel options ready for booking to the front end that meets the request criteria and also filtering the data made available. The result is displayed to the customer for further process.

Acceptance Criteria: When this API is triggered, it takes the city and date as the main criteria, performs necessary database operations and returns a list of hotels available for booking. This case is triggered when customer selects the city, date and clicks the search button. Later on when filters are available and customer selects applicable filters, this API is triggered after clicking "Apply Filters" button.

Request: { "city":"", "dateOfBooking":"", "priceFilter":"", "ratingFilter":"" }

Response: [ { "hotelName":"", "address":"", "bookingPrice":"" } ]