As a user, I should be able to see hotel options based on my selected choices so that I can proceed with the hotel booking.
The Hotel Listing will display the hotel image, hotel location, and cost.
As a user, I should be able to sort the hotel listing based on price with “Cheapest Tab” displaying hotels with the lowest price first and with “Ratings” displaying hotels with the highest user ratings.
As a user, I can view hotel details by clicking on the “See Availability” button, so that the user can know the detailed hotel information.
Acceptance Criteria: -
Given that I am a user, I can sort hotels based on price or ratings by clicking on the “Cheapest” tab or “Ratings” tab respectively.
Given that I am a user when I can see the detailed information for each hotel by clicking on the “Check Hotel Details” button.
Given that I am a user, I should be able to see the hotel image, hotel location, and cost.
Acceptance Criteria: -
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