Prawellp / FFXIV-SND

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[REQUEST] Add option to purchase Material Items #6

Closed Carbodium closed 4 days ago

Carbodium commented 4 weeks ago

Would it be possible to add in an option to purchase DT Material Items as well as Vouchers based on settings? Something like below.

--Teleport and Exchange teleport = "Ok'hanu" --Enter the name of the Teleporter where youu farm Fates so it teleport back to the area and keeps farming ChangeInstance = true --Change Instance when there is no Fate (only works on DT fates) Exchange = true --Enable Auto Exchanging of Bicolor Gemstones (must have all zones at max rank) Materials = true --Purchase materials from the Material List MatsFirst = false --Purchase materials to [ExchangeLimit] and then purchase Vouchers DTVouchers = false --Purchase DT Turali Bicolor Gemstone Vouchers EWVouchers = false --Purchase EW Bicolor Gemstone Vouchers

--Material List ExchangeLimit = 999 --Max compatible is 999 items AlpacaFillet = true SwampmonkThigh = false NopalitdenerTuna = false RroneekChuck = false MegamagueyPineapple = false BranchbearerFruit = false RroneekFleece = false SilverLoboHide = false HammerheadCrocodileSkin = false BraaxHide = false GomphotheriumSkin = false GargantuaHide = false TyaityaWingblade = false PoisonFrogSecreations = false AxeBeakWing = false LesserApollyonShell = false TumbleclawWeeds = false

Prawellp commented 4 weeks ago

would be alot to add but its possible to change it to the desired item really easy

yield("/callback ShopExchangeCurrency false 0 5 13") this should be at the bottom where the Voucher exchange is and you can just change the 5 to the item you want there is also a little text next to it explaining it.