PrawnMan / HdmiPi-Streaming

Streaming using a cheap HDMI capture card and a raspberry Pi to an RTMP Receiver.
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Suggestion: hdmi to csi-2 for video capture? #1

Closed battletux closed 3 years ago

battletux commented 3 years ago

Hi, have you seen the pikvm project?

They suggest using a hdmi to csi-2 bridge for capture of hdmi. It is lower latency and allows for 1080p resolution. It may allow for a better capture.

PrawnMan commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the slow response! I've seen that project, infact my original idea was to use the CSI Interface. The reason I decided to go the USB HDMI capture route is because the USB devices are generally more readily available and inexpensive compared to the CSI bridge. However, I do have plans to get a CSI bridge and add a writeup for using that to stream!