PrawnMan / HdmiPi-Streaming

Streaming using a cheap HDMI capture card and a raspberry Pi to an RTMP Receiver.
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Suggestion: Stream as VNC/RDP? Would Pi 1 be enough? #2

Open C-Fu opened 3 years ago

C-Fu commented 3 years ago

Love it! But I'm still searching for a way to use something like this as a remote display unit, kinda similar to iDRAC or whatever the name is in the server world for viewing the display output in your browser.

I found something that may be of interest:

But my coding skills ends at print("hello world").

Also, would a Pi 1 be enough for this, horsepower-like?

Keep up the good work!

PrawnMan commented 3 years ago

A lot of the work for my project has already been previously done for remote desktop sorta stuff. This might be what you're looking for:

Unfortunately, that project only supports Pi2 and above.

My instructions would probably work in the Pi 1 if you use the low framerate YUVU stream instead of the MJPEG stream. Be aware that the framerate would be low (5fps) and the CPU might struggle with encoding the audio and Muxing the stream. I really doubt the Pi1 would be able to handle conversion of the MJPEG stream, since thats what is the bottle neck for the Pi4 CPU.