Pray4Movement / prayer-global-porch

Prayer Global landing and prayer tool
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User Profile Mockups #81

Closed ChrisChasm closed 1 year ago

ChrisChasm commented 2 years ago

Discussed in

Originally posted by **ChrisChasm** November 28, 2022 Registration Login Offcanvas - Logged Out Offcanvas - Logged In Main Profile Page Profile (Manage Page) Prayers (Manage Page) Challenges (Manage Page) New Private Challenge New Public Challenge ---- The page transition would be a left and right transition experience. From the main page, a tap on the profile row would transition to the profile page to the right, and the back arrow would bring navigation back to the main page. This navigation is separate from the offcanvas navigation. ---- Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 2 46 56 PM Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 2 47 13 PM Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 2 47 22 PM Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 2 47 35 PM Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 2 55 02 PM Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 2 48 00 PM Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 2 48 09 PM Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 2 48 24 PM Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 2 48 34 PM Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 2 48 44 PM
squigglybob commented 2 years ago

Awesome!! 🎉 This looks really cool.

I have a tonne of questions and suggestions. I'll note some down here for later.


  1. Is it ok if I merge the 2 password fields and put a "view password" button to reduce the registration fields?
  2. I remember us talking about an auto-suggested Location box. Do we need to have it here? or can we just leave it in the profile page for them to find when they have a poke around?


  1. I just randomly chose orange as a colour for the "my prayers" parts of the activity logs. Could we firm up the colour that we actually want to use to represent a user in the activity, and therefore probably also on this log?
  2. Need to discuss badge system


  1. Can they leave the end date unfilled in? or should there be something more explicit to make the challenge ongoing?
  2. Would we need another page for managing a challenge?

Manage Challenges

(This could be a seperate PR)

Could contain


  1. Are we still having a map button to take them to their own map?
  2. Are you thinking that the profile/prayers/challenges pages would be in an offcanvas rather than a new page?
prykon commented 2 years ago

This looks great! Some comments and ideas...

ahillbilly commented 2 years ago
  1. We mentioned a user avatar that could show up on the maps… Seems like this would be set/shown in the area of the level badge. The level badge could be a smaller graphic overlaying the avatar…

  2. Profile should probably include phone number as we may use something like twillio/onesignal in the future to send SMS notifications even though we don’t now.

  3. In the future we’ll want a language setting as well for folks to set their language. Also keep in mind preparing for RTL languages...

  4. Is this profile section going to be driven by D.T as a magic link? ie. the information for all prayer global users will be stored in D.T as contacts vs a separate database? Z.T uses a separate database and has caused frustrations along the way and the redesign is looking to leverage D.T - is there benefit in consistency? cost for consistency (money or effective data flow or security)?

squigglybob commented 2 years ago


  1. Keep the 2 password boxes, but not massively fixed on this. We can sort this out when we do the login/registration plugin part of this
  2. We could have a "This is where we think you are ... "


  1. Let's steer away from using red, amber, green colours for anything except the infographics, maybe purple?


  1. Either have a button to specify the type, or allow the end date to be blank, I would favour more explicit direction, particularly if later we have other types of challenges.
  2. Yes we will need another page to manage the challenges, this would need to be wireframed

NB private means not listed on our list, not that the urls are private


could be streak could be milestones of prayed for certain thing. could be time based for just a year.

For now let's just have a milestone badge for places prayed for 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000

personal map

pause on this one.

sometimes it's ok to have functions outside the on map loader

nav structure

fly over offcanvas on mobile for prayers/challenges/etc. see how it looks on desktop...

Other options could be having it in a modal, or on desktop having a split screen design similar to DT metrics pages.

corsacca commented 2 years ago

Personal challenges: Can we make this more of a list the user can chose from:

The name, start and end date are confusing if the user doesn't know what a challenge is.

Time ranges can be added once one of those is selected?

squigglybob commented 2 years ago

The name, start and end date are confusing if the user doesn't know what a challenge is.

Time ranges can be added once one of those is selected?

yeah I'm thinking the same way as well.

Some kind of button group for the types of challenges, and then give the details to fill in once they have chosen.

At the moment, the 2 types of challenge would be

and we can add more later.

I like the idea of the one's that you suggested, and then the app could have reminders with local notifications to reach their goal