Prayag2 / kde_controlcentre

A beautiful control centre widget for KDE Plasma directly inspired by the MacOS control centre.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] Plasma 6.1 Support #64

Open verysillycat opened 1 week ago

verysillycat commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. It says ''Sorry! There was a error loading Control Centre''

file:///home/cortex/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.boraerciyas.controlcentre/contents/ui/main.qml:67:25: Type FullRepresentation unavailable
file:///home/cortex/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.boraerciyas.controlcentre/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:75:21: Type Components.RedShift unavailable
file:///home/cortex/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.boraerciyas.controlcentre/contents/ui/components/RedShift.qml:64:5: NightColorInhibitor is not a type

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open it.
  2. See the error.

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. To work correctly, on the new plasma version.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. image

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Have you installed the following dependencies? (Yes/No)

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

SadColourfulHues commented 1 week ago

Plasma 6.1 seems to have changed the way to inhibit their night light control again. Fortunately, that seems to be the only issue that prevents the widget from starting. I've already made a PR (#65) to merge the fix here.

If you want to, you can install the updated version by cloning this repo, and running plasmapkg2 -u package/ in the root project dir.

verysillycat commented 1 week ago

Plasma 6.1 seems to have changed the way to inhibit their night light control again. Fortunately, that seems to be the only issue that prevents the widget from starting. I've already made a PR (#65) to merge the fix here.

If you want to, you can install the updated version by cloning this repo, and running plasmapkg2 -u package/ in the root project dir.

Thanks. It worked great, but i noticed that the audio setting was removed, there's no internet connection status.


Here's a log of may be the error causing this:

error getting max keyboard brightness via dbus QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject", "No such object path '/org/kde/Solid/PowerManagement/Actions/KeyboardBrightnessControl'")
file:///home/cortex/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.prayag2.controlcentre/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:75:21: QML RedShift: Binding loop detected for property "inhibitor"
qml: pass
file:///home/cortex/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.prayag2.controlcentre/contents/ui/components/SectionButtons.qml:39: ReferenceError: Kirigami is not defined
file:///home/cortex/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.prayag2.controlcentre/contents/ui/components/SectionButtons.qml:36:13: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
file:///home/cortex/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.prayag2.controlcentre/contents/ui/components/RedShift.qml:16: ReferenceError: redMonitor is not defined
file:///home/cortex/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.prayag2.controlcentre/contents/ui/lib/Slider.qml:87:17: Unable to assign [undefined] to QQuickSlider::SnapMode
file:///home/cortex/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.prayag2.controlcentre/contents/ui/components/Volume.qml:34: TypeError: Cannot read property 'volume' of undefined
file:///home/cortex/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.prayag2.controlcentre/contents/ui/components/Volume.qml:25:5: Unable to assign [undefined] to bool
file:///home/cortex/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.prayag2.controlcentre/contents/ui/components/Volume.qml:31: TypeError: Cannot read property 'volume' of undefined
file:///home/cortex/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.prayag2.controlcentre/contents/ui/components/Volume.qml:30: TypeError: Cannot read property 'volume' of undefined
file:///home/cortex/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.prayag2.controlcentre/contents/ui/lib/Slider.qml:87:17: Unable to assign [undefined] to QQuickSlider::SnapMode
QFont::setPointSizeF: Point size <= 0 (0.000000), must be greater than 0
SadColourfulHues commented 1 week ago

Apologies, I typically don't have the volume and media sections enabled on my end. Anyways, the new commits should resolve both the network label and volume slider issues.


verysillycat commented 1 week ago

Apologies, I typically don't have the volume and media sections enabled on my end. Anyways, the new commits should resolve both the network label and volume slider issues.


It Worked Perfectly, Thank you.