This HTML which supplies a search box as well as a div to place the results in.
<div class="searchbox">
<div class="searchwidget">
<label for="ptxsearch">Search Terms</label><input id="ptxsearch" type="text" name="terms" onchange="doSearch()"><button id="helpbutt" type="button" onclick="showHelp()">Show Help</button>
<div id="helpme" class="helpbox" style="display: none;">
By default search will return documents with any of your terms.
<li>To search for documents with all of your terms use + to get get multiple AND choice search for +multiple +choice</li>
<li>to search and exclude pages with a particular word use - +multiple -choice means must include multiple and must not include choice.</li>
<li>To search the title only of the page title:subgroups</li>
<li>To make one term more important you can boost it with ^ so multiple^10 choice would look for multiple OR choice and give a much higher score to those that contain multiple</li>
<li>To do a fuzzy search subgroups~2 would match words with an edit distance of 2 from subgroups. This is useful if you are not sure of the spelling.</li>
Lunr does not support searching for phrases. But you can get close with the logical AND.
<h2>Page Results</h2>
<ol id="searchresults" class="all_results"></ol>
This Javascript assumes that the page has:
This HTML which supplies a search box as well as a div to place the results in.