PreTeXtBook / pretext

PreTeXt: an authoring and publishing system for scholarly documents
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Basic file management #1165

Closed davidfarmer closed 2 years ago

davidfarmer commented 5 years ago

New users who are not knowledgeable about Unix environments need to have basic concepts explained. If this is in the documentation, there is not enough of it or it is not in the right place.

Here is something from an email I just sent to a new user, obfuscated to protect their identity:

You seem to be building the HTML in the same directory as the PTX source.  Make a new directory, maybe called "html", go into it, and then do something like

xsltproc --xinclude ~/mathbook/xsl/mathbook-html.xsl ../index.ptx

I also had to explain that they should not put their PreTeXt code as a subdirectory of the repository for their book.

rbeezer commented 5 years ago

Maybe belongs early in this chapter:

davidfarmer commented 2 years ago

CLI should make this irrelevant.