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HTML: in solutions and list-of, make a structural heading use span instead of hN #1580

Closed Alex-Jordan closed 2 years ago

Alex-Jordan commented 2 years ago

As discussed at, this changes the "headings" for structural divisions inside a "solutions" to use span instead of hN.

Actually it makes the mode="html-heading" template handle the situation when no $heading-level is passed to output a span. In case there are more situations where a "heading" should be a decorative span instead of a functional hN, this will help.

rbeezer commented 2 years ago

In case there are more situations where a "heading" should be a decorative span instead of a functional hN, this will help.

Can you list the existing situations where this is the case?

Alex-Jordan commented 2 years ago

The other case I am aware of is with "list-of" output (, section titles should perhaps also stop being hN. But only after discussion. I haven't looked hard at those yet.

rbeezer commented 2 years ago


But only after discussion. I haven't looked hard at those yet.

I was going t merge this, but I can't tell if it is done then?

Alex-Jordan commented 2 years ago

For my part, this PR is ready and doing the same for "list-of" would be separate. Or if you think it's good there too, I could add that here.

rbeezer commented 2 years ago

Yes, list-of would be good. I misunderstood, I thought more might happen automatically with commit as-is.

While you are force-pushing. ;-) I try to avoid nested choose. Such as:

(And I'd wrap the span in an xsl:text for readability.)

Alex-Jordan commented 2 years ago

Here in a "solutions", the section headings are <hN class="heading hide-type">.

Here in a "list-of", the section headings are <hN class="heading" title="title-as-tooltip-text">.

We are about to make each of these undergo hN -> span.

Should they be the same with respect to .hide-type and title="..."? Other than these things, they have identical structure. I could probably consolidate some code if these can have the same structure.

FWIW, I lean toward not having the title and including the hide-type in both places. But that's just personal taste. Consolidating in some manner seems like a plus. Or maybe it is intentional to keep these things laid out differently.

Alex-Jordan commented 2 years ago

FWIW, I lean toward not having the title and including the hide-type in both places. But that's just personal taste. Consolidating in some manner seems like a plus. Or maybe it is intentional to keep these things laid out differently.

Maybe I lean toward having hide-type in both places, and then including the title, and it is a full title that shows the type (Section, Subsection, etc.).

Alex-Jordan commented 2 years ago

I just force pushed with changes.

New summary: create a "secondary-heading" modal template for making headings of divisions for use in places other than where they are born. Then use this modal template for headings of divisions in "solutions" and "list-of".

Collateral edit: as was the case before, a "Chapter" will show its type in these places. Since an "Appendix" is parallel to a "Chapter", I made Appendix show its type as well. Section, Subsection, etc do not show their type and just open with the number.

However some CSS editing is needed, @davidfarmer . Here is the sample article. This is built with chunk level 0, so be patient while it loads. In appendices F and G, we can see the types "Appendix" as well as "Section", "Subsection", etc. Possibly line 413 of pretext_add_on.css is no longer needed. Possibly line 413 can stay but should come before what is currently line 410. If @rbeezer approves the PR, one of those things (or soemthing else) shoudl be done.

rbeezer commented 2 years ago

Excellent! Thanks for pushing through on this one.

Yes, Chapters and Appendices should behave as much like each other as possible.

@davidfarmer: I'll update public sample article after one more PR, so you can work off that if you prefer.

rbeezer commented 2 years ago

Forgot to say. Just a small contribution to your XSL-fu. Definitely not necessary to change or anything.

Your outermost span of the commit could be literal, I believe (not xsl:element) even if it is necessary to make attributes programmatically with xsl:attribute (as it is here).

davidfarmer commented 2 years ago

Probably you don't want to hear this, but it is impossible to style those headings properly, with the current HTML.

This problem has always existed in the sample article -- I just never had to care about it before.

In appendices F and G there are consecutive elements which are headings. In come cases those are both top level headings (4 in a row in G), and in some cases one is top level and the next is second level (sect 4 and 4.1 in F).

How to style those two cases differently?

On Tue, 17 Aug 2021, Alex Jordan wrote:

I just force pushed with changes.

New summary: create a "secondary-heading" modal template for making headings of divisions for use in places other than where they are born. Then use this modal template for headings of divisions in "solutions" and "list-of".

Collateral edit: as was the case before, a "Chapter" will show its type in these places. Since an "Appendix" is parallel to a "Chapter", I made Appendix show its type as well. Section, Subsection, etc do not show their type and just open with the number.

However some CSS editing is needed, @davidfarmer . Here is the sample article. This is built with chunk level 0, so be patient while it loads. In appendices F and G, we can see the types "Appendix" as well as "Section", "Subsection", etc. Possibly line 413 of pretext_add_on.css is no longer needed. Possibly line 413 can stay but should come before what is currently line 410. If @rbeezer approves the PR, one of those things (or soemthing else) shoudl be done.

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rbeezer commented 2 years ago

Well, I did not get this totally right in LaTeX either. There's only so much mileage you can get from \Huge through \tiny, plus you may be starting at some arbitrary depth already.

I'm OK with every heading in a list-of or in a solutions being the same size.

Can you tell if a solutions (say) is at the level of a subsection or at the level of an appendix and drop the size of the headings down a notch? Or can we place such information that would make it possible?

Alex-Jordan commented 2 years ago

These headings (which are now spans) could say more about themselves using additional classes. They could say the heading level of their "parent" solutions or list-of. Or simply say they are "secondary" headings (which currently just means they are within a solutions or list-of).

It is trickier to actually have them say what their real heading level would be. We can easily get their heading level where they are born. But in a solutions or list-of, we need to know how deep they are relative to the scope of the solutions or list-of. So if every heading in these places can be styled the same without caring about depth, that does make it easier.

davidfarmer commented 2 years ago

Does 4.1 in Appendix F met your definition of "secondary"?

On Tue, 17 Aug 2021, Alex Jordan wrote:

These headings (which are now spans) could say more about themselves using additional classes. They could say the heading level of their "parent" solutions or list-of. Or simply say they are "secondary" headings (which currently just means they are within a solutions or list-of).

It is trickier to actually have them say what their real heading level would be. We can easily get their heading level where they are born. But in a solutions or list-of, we need to know how deep they are relative to the scope of the solutions or list-of. So if every heading in these places can be styled the same without caring about depth, that does make it easier.

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Alex-Jordan commented 2 years ago

Yes. And even "4" in Appendix F is "secondary". These are "secondary" because they are not really section 4 and subsection 4.1. I looked for a better work than "secondary" before running with that in the XSLT as a modal template name, but I couldn't think of something better. If you happen to see a good word for this idea of "not-where-born", I'd be happy to hear it and change that term.

rbeezer commented 2 years ago

recycled? repurposed?

"secondary" is fine for the code, but CSS classes might want something better.

davidfarmer commented 2 years ago

If "4" and "4.1" are marked up the same, then the problem has not been solved.

On Tue, 17 Aug 2021, Alex Jordan wrote:

Yes. And even "4" in Appendix F is "secondary". These are "secondary" because they are not really section 4 and subsection 4.1. I looked for a better work than "secondary" before running with that in the XSLT as a modal template name, but I couldn't think of something better. If you happen to see a good word for this idea of "not-where-born", I'd be happy to hear it and change that term.

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Alex-Jordan commented 2 years ago

It's been solved if you reclassify the problem as not being a problem :) Rob said:

I'm OK with every heading in a list-of or in a solutions being the same size.

I could try to encode an appropriate heading level as a class name. Do we feel that is worth doing?