PreTeXtBook / pretext

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Examples need updated project files #2093

Open ascholerChemeketa opened 6 months ago

ascholerChemeketa commented 6 months ago

It would be nice if every example had a working project file so that they all can be built with pretext build html, pretest build pdf, or pretext build latex.

Not all examples have project files. e.g. hello-world Others have ones that are out of date and fail to build. minimal produces:

critical: Failed to parse project.ptx. Please fix the following errors:
error: Field required (('latex',); missing)
error: Field required (('pdflatex',); missing)
error: Field required (('xelatex',); missing)
error: Field required (('latex',); missing)
error: Field required (('pdflatex',); missing)
error: Field required (('xelatex',); missing)
rbeezer commented 6 months ago

Right. See

Advertising on pretext-dev might garner some interest?

Extant examples in examples. etc
