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Add html-xref-renderstyle publisher file setting #2108

Closed ascholerChemeketa closed 2 months ago

ascholerChemeketa commented 4 months ago

This is standalone, but the first in hopefully a series of refinements to xref knowls. I would like to make use of this sooner rather than later. But I am fine seeing how many other xref knowl commits are doable quickly and integrating those as a batch. If you prefer to batch them I'll change this to draft.

This provides a way to opt into rendering all xref's as web standard links. Ideally, it is a tool no one would want to use. But the option should exist.

Alex-Jordan commented 4 months ago

With the option 'mixed', is it "mixed" because divisions get links and blocks get knowls? Or mixed more broadly because in the future, nearby blocks can be links and faraway blocks can be knowls? (Or do I have that backwards?)

I was just wondering if 'mixed' is the right word. We will never knowlize a cross reference to a division. So at least until there are more options, what is 'mixed' here is more like all non-division cross-references. Also if you foresee a third option (or more), will "mixed" still characterize that option well?

ascholerChemeketa commented 4 months ago

I was thinking there might be more options. Maybe not - it is possible that everything else is just a variation on link or mixed. But if "mixed" gets complex enough, it might become desirable to make a distinction between two different master strategies.

My way of thinking about it is that the key detail here is "how are xref's rendered". They could only be rendered as knowls (not currently an option), they could be rendered as all links, they can be rendered as a mix of the two. mixed thus feels more natural than knowl or something as it is not the case that every xref turns into a knowl in the default mode. Have a suggestion other than mixed?

Open to making this strictly a kill switch force-xref-links that is either yes or no. That closes off reusing the variable for possible future strategies. But it would simplify the conceptual role of the variable down to being just a master off switch.

rbeezer commented 4 months ago

@ascholerChemeketa has brought up proximity as a criteria on the -dev forum, so definitely switches and names should reflect/allow that possibility.

ascholerChemeketa commented 3 months ago

Updated based on feedback.

I started in on multiple levels - basically specifying a knowl-level. Decided that was more complex than current demands. cross-page feels like the main middle ground that people will reach for. e.g. It avoids the issue of generating broken knowls for runestone when an xref is on the same page as the target.


ascholerChemeketa commented 3 months ago

Also updated docs for the Single Page HTML that @rbeezer brought up in an unrelated email on pretext-dev

ascholerChemeketa commented 3 months ago


Made the syntax update for the selector

I tracked the "extra" knowls down to the pathway for generating the index knowls. That now also only generates knowls when appropriate (mode is maximal or cross-page).

I think this is all set

rbeezer commented 3 months ago

Looking real good. I think the xref inside of math/MathJax lose their styling when they become traditional hyperlinks. You added such an example here:

Figure 19.2

And there are five (in last two displays) in

Subsection 7.4: Advanced Mathematics

If so, let's do that on a new PR, I'm likely to work this up sometime today, and putting it here will wreak havoc with that.

rbeezer commented 3 months ago

Well, now I have enough non-cosmetic edits that we should discuss them. Will you be at Friday Drop-In?

ascholerChemeketa commented 3 months ago

I can't make tomorrow. I should be able to make next Friday. Or I could catch the second half of the Monday drop in (5-6 Eastern / 2-3 Pascific).

ascholerChemeketa commented 3 months ago

There are lots of spots where <a>'s are not well styled. And lots of places where knowls are styled inconsistently. Those issues have nothing really to do with the HTML being generated in this PR.

Part of that is the interaction of various components. Part of it is the quick and dirty "apply old knowl CSS to summary/details and see how it goes" that we did when born-hiddens were swapped to that format.

My proposal is a separate PR that attempts to standardize knowl styling and make sure that plain <a>'s are visually indicated. That would address the styling issue above,, and probably other rendering inconsistencies.

There may be other issues to address in this PR - just proposing that those CSS ones go in a separate PR.

rbeezer commented 2 months ago

Thanks for all the work on this! Removed two stray tabs and repackaged as three commits.

This should go on pretext-announce. Wanna send me a short blurb and I will post under [NEW]? Keep it concise, but include a link to the publisher file reference (which should point back to other edited material, I forgot to check!).