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Support Mermaid as a source language for diagrams #2133

Open rbeezer opened 2 months ago

rbeezer commented 2 months ago

This would be similar to how <latex-image> behaves, but driven by a node executable, not TeX.

Not trivial, but good models exist, and would be a good way for a contributor to touch a lot of code.

ascholerChemeketa commented 2 months ago

What output formats do you want to support?

I think that out of the box, Mermaid tends to produce prettier output than GraphViz (credit to @bjones1 for reminding us of it). But, if you want to output images for use in non-html formats (or for JS-less HTML), that would involve the Mermaid CLI: Which would involve node. (Node will probably also be necessary for any CSS/JS bundling solution, but this would turn it into a dependency for non-HTML-based builds.).

GraphViz would integrate more tightly with the existing Python build structure. There are libraries for making git history diagrams that might help with the project that got you (@rbeezer) thinking about this.