PreTeXtBook / pretext

PreTeXt: an authoring and publishing system for scholarly documents
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Ww 219 #2147

Closed Alex-Jordan closed 1 month ago

Alex-Jordan commented 1 month ago

These are more updates to the new pretext-webwork.js file for version 2.19. Most of this will not be perceptible to the end use but makes things run better under the hood. One thing that is different for the user is that with this, the tall palette toolbar for entering math will not trigger the iframe to resize. Instead it is scrollable. That toolbar is very tall compared to most exercises and it looks bad when it causes the iframe to resize.

Commits broken down by topic, but if you'd like to squash into one, that's fine.

rbeezer commented 1 month ago

Very good! That's a lot of deletions!