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Clarify the use of modular source files, especially with the mbx script #626

Closed rbeezer closed 7 years ago

rbeezer commented 7 years ago

See discussion at

Pelonza commented 7 years ago

So, it seems now, after a bit more discussion on that thread, that specifically the details I was missing to get it to work right were:

1) Just run the python-mbx script on the "base" file in the modular structure (e.g. index.ptx, etc) 2) Make sure to use full, absolute paths when calling it (maybe this isn't necessary??)

Just that bit of extra in the image-processing page of the author guide would have saved me a boatload of frustration... (I still would have had to install cairo/pdf2svg, but that's less troublesome)

rbeezer commented 7 years ago

Again, thanks very much, Karl. Sorry this was a struggle. But I appreciate you taking the time to suggest improvements. I put the changes in Chapter 8, since they are a bit more general than just making images. The material in Section 4.6 I mean to just be a pointer to the need for the script.

New "notes" in:

New section on mbx.cfg:

rbeezer commented 7 years ago

Forgot the commit: 7fd2c458