PreXident / TextAn

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Next Meeting #35

Closed PreXident closed 10 years ago

PreXident commented 10 years ago

When do we meet next time? Next Wednesday is Rector's day, so we can meet at different time or even day. Please state your opinions!

vlcak commented 10 years ago

I'm for Thursday to 2 o'clock or skip it :-P

Blemicek commented 10 years ago

I think we should meet. I can anytime next week except Thursday 9:00-10:30 and Friday 10:40-12:10(or 14:00 if we will have practicals).

PreXident commented 10 years ago

Thursday's ok for me

tamhd commented 10 years ago

Thursday after 15:40 is ok for me. so far that's what I can think of now :)

gbread commented 10 years ago

Thr after 15:40 + Wed :+1: