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[FEAT] Presentation MCQ Selection Screen #4

Open choco-green opened 2 months ago

choco-green commented 2 months ago

As a user, I want to be able to select MCQs by entering the presentation symptom, so that I can answer more specific MCQ questions

Refer to Preclinify/preclinify-dashboard#44

rohan-labs commented 1 month ago

question id,questionStem,lead-inQuestion,answersArray,correctAnswerId,explanation,module,presentations 2,"A 29-year-old woman, who has been experiencing persistent distress and psychological discomfort for several months following a traumatic burglary at her home, presents to a mental health clinic. She reports intrusive memories, heightened startle response, and significant avoidance of any situations that remind her of the incident. Previous attempts with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) have helped mildly but her symptoms persist significantly, affecting her daily functioning and quality of life. Her therapist is considering escalating her treatment due to the severity and persistence of her symptoms.","In the context of the patient's significant and prolonged symptoms, which therapeutic approach is most suitable for further treatment?","['A. Continued Cognitive Behavioral Therapy', 'B. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy', 'C. Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy', 'D. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) Therapy', 'E. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy']",2,"['A. Continued Cognitive Behavioral Therapy might be considered, but the patient has already experienced limited success with this approach, suggesting that continuing the same therapy might not adequately address her persistent and severe symptoms. Thus, it may not be the most effective step forward.', 'B. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy focuses on exploring the patient’s emotional responses and unconscious processes. While beneficial for in-depth exploration of emotional experiences and patterns over time, it may not be as immediately effective for acute trauma-specific symptom reduction as other therapies listed.', 'C. Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy is the correct answer as it specifically helps patients process and desensitize the traumatic memories that are intrusively impacting her life. This therapy is particularly suited for cases where trauma manifests in severe and persistent symptoms, as indicated in the patient's condition.', 'D. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) Therapy, traditionally used in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, involves exposure to fear or trauma triggers and helps in preventing compulsive responses. However, while ERP might assist in managing avoidance behaviours, it may not be as directly effective in processing and desensitizing traumatic memories as EMDR.', 'E. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy encourages individuals to accept their thoughts and feelings rather than fighting them, promoting cognitive flexibility. Although beneficial, it does not specifically focus on the rapid desensitization of traumatic memories like EMDR does.']", "Mental Health", "['Abnormal involuntary movements']"