PrecociouslyDigital / sandwich-definitions

"At some point, the Supreme Court will have to define what a sandwich is, and when they do, I want there to be math behind it"
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Alternate sandwich wrappings #11

Open drkthomp opened 5 years ago

drkthomp commented 5 years ago

What about sandwiches that aren't surrounded by bread/carbohydrates huh. Do these count as sandwiches? How about a lettuce wrap? image

there's a whole book on this.

PrecociouslyDigital commented 5 years ago

A pickle is mostly carbohydrate I will argue

drkthomp commented 5 years ago

According to nutritionix it seems a pickle is only 2.3% carbohydrate. Is this a sufficient carb percentage? In this case are fruits such as apples even more valid sandwich outsides as they are 13.7% carbohydrate?'

Edit: For comparison's sake, whole wheat bread is 44% carbohydrate. This doesn't even technically meet the definition of 'primarily' which could be assumed to be at least 50%.

PrecociouslyDigital commented 5 years ago

ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh okay that's not a sandwich then

drkthomp commented 5 years ago

What % of carb is required for it to be a sandwich

PrecociouslyDigital commented 5 years ago

idk. Nutritionists in the room wanna help out?

spencerlu commented 5 years ago

According to this link from the American Heart Association, all foods contain different and varying values of carbohydrate, so I feel as though it wouldn't be reliable to categorize based on percentage of carb. I propose that the outer layer should be made of a grain-based substance.

Note: I expected corn to be an exception, since it's a vegetable, but it is actually both a vegetable and a grain!

PrecociouslyDigital commented 5 years ago
