PrecociouslyDigital / sandwich-definitions

"At some point, the Supreme Court will have to define what a sandwich is, and when they do, I want there to be math behind it"
The Unlicense
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Assorted pasta issues #3

Open PrecociouslyDigital opened 5 years ago

PrecociouslyDigital commented 5 years ago

So apparently stuffed pasta shells are sandwiches under this definition: as seen here Also apparently lasagna is a sandwich. Also I now just realize tacos are a sandwich. Technically.

PrecociouslyDigital commented 5 years ago

I can solve part of this: sandwiches need two or more portions, otherwise it's a taco. Still need a solve on the ravioli is pasta thing tho

PrecociouslyDigital commented 5 years ago

Dammit that doesn't work cause then hoagies are tacos