Recent spadesCBMcore module clean-ups means that we have to re-check that all annual processes are happening correctly and that all the disturbances matrices are also applied correctly.
Potentially useful functions in the carbonara functions are:
They were developed to double check the manual (R-scripted) carbon transfers applied in the SK branch prior to the error fix in the c++ scripts. These two functions need much updating but might be (or not) a good place to start automated checks.
There was a function added to CBMutils::checkTransactions that checks all processes post simulation. It requires the simList and the number of randomly selected pixelGroups you want to check.
Recent spadesCBMcore module clean-ups means that we have to re-check that all annual processes are happening correctly and that all the disturbances matrices are also applied correctly. Potentially useful functions in the carbonara functions are: ctransfer() cTransferDist()
They were developed to double check the manual (R-scripted) carbon transfers applied in the SK branch prior to the error fix in the c++ scripts. These two functions need much updating but might be (or not) a good place to start automated checks.