Closed cboisvenue closed 4 years ago
Error: Could not connect to database: unable to open database file 9. stop(structure(list(message = "Could not connect to database:\nunable to open database file", call = NULL, cppstack = NULL), class = c("Rcpp::exception", "C++Error", "error", "condition"))) 8. connection_connect(dbname, loadable.extensions, flags, vfs) 7. initialize(value, ...) 6. initialize(value, ...) 5. new("SQLiteConnection", ptr = connection_connect(dbname, loadable.extensions, flags, vfs), dbname = dbname, flags = flags, vfs = vfs, loadable.extensions = loadable.extensions, ref = new.env(parent = emptyenv()), bigint = bigint) 4. .local(drv, ...) 3. dbConnect(sqlite.driver, dbname = dbPath) 2. dbConnect(sqlite.driver, dbname = dbPath) at spadesCBMextraFunctions.R#93 1. CBMutils::spuDist(27)
you need to provide dbPath as the second argument to spuDist():
spuDist(27, "~/GitHub/spadesCBM/modules/CBM_defaults/data/cbm_defaults/cbm_defaults.db")