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Revisions needed on training book #12

Closed CeresBarros closed 1 month ago

CeresBarros commented 1 month ago

@CeresBarros to check the following new sections

CeresBarros commented 1 month ago

@eliotmcintire I moved pkg intallation (when not part of example code) to a pre-rendered script (R/installpkgs.R), this alleviates the setup chunks a little and allows us to use a proj lib path w/o having to pass it to each .qmd

perhaps sub ideal as we still need to remember to add pkgs to this script. Also, I'm having issues installing ggplot2/terra:

Warning message:
In Require::Require(c("ggplot2", "reproducible", "SpaDES.core",  :
  ggplot2, terra (>= 1.7-46) could not be installed; package doesn't exist or the version specification cannot be met
CeresBarros commented 1 month ago

@eliotmcintire when you can see new version of Troubleshooting R package installation chapter, as I've changed it quite considerably

eliotmcintire commented 1 month ago

Looks good. The inline R code causes an error {r userLib <- Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER")} doesn't work for me. If I just remove the end braces and the lower case r {r ... } it works fine. Can we do this?