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Website revamp - proposed structure and TODO list #2

Open CeresBarros opened 10 months ago

CeresBarros commented 10 months ago

The website is undergoing changes focused on centralising and integrating information about PERFICT, SpaDES, SpaDES modules, SpaDES training, as well as existing PERFICT and SpaDES-based projects, all of which are currently more or less scattered across multiple web-locations. Part of this change also involves shifting from a "lab-website" structure to a "PERFICT Community website" structure.

The proposed new structure is as follows. The highest heading level inticates a tab on the horizontal navigation bar and subheadings indicate pages nested in each tab (appearing as drop down menu). A few specific tasks have been associated with the each heading/subheading, but see also the TODO list below.

New website structure


The landing page with a brief introduction about PERFICT and how we've been implementing it in this community


More detailed information about PERFICT concepts and workflows with links to other relevant "internal" (i.e. this website) and external pages.


A list of projects based on PERFICT principles with links to project pages/manuals (e.g. LandWeb) where they exist.

- [x] A note should be added that we are obviously only listing the projects that this community is involved in.


Introduction about SpaDES modelling toolkit.

- [ ] Point to resources on installation (external page; e.g. [here](, getting started (external page; e.g. [here]( and tutorials (internal page)
- [ ] get help: point to GitHub Issues ("each package/module/project has its own, so identify _where_ you need help") 


List of all known SpaDES modules Module list may be broken into "LandR" and "Other"

- [ ] Link to LandR (internal) page


List and links to all SpaDES (and related) packages.


A brief introduction of what LandR is, how it's striving to be PERFICT (using SpaDES as the toolkit)

- [x] Link to manual
- [ ] Point to publications
- [x] Point to projects


Just a very brief introduction about the types of training offered (self-led -- link to tutorials; and presential -- point to workshops)


A list of tutorials, each with a brief synopsis of what they are intended for and what level of SpaDES knowledge they require (if any). Can go beyond "SpaDES" e.g. reproducible workshops tutorial


- [x] Point to [archived webpage of workshops prior to 2021](


The list of news (blog)posts what is currently on the landing page

- [ ] Try to add it as lateral bar  of landing page.


A list of publications using SpaDES/PERFICT from current collaborators only (?)

- [ ] Create a Zotero group for these publications and use it to make the list in the webpage


A list of presentations using SpaDES/PERFICT from current collaborators only (?)

- [ ] Create a Zotero group for these presentations and use it to make the list in the webpage


We may still want to list people that are currently actively developing SpaDES modules?

TODO list

### Clean README at [](
- [ ] remove packages
- [ ] remove websites
- [ ] remove LandWeb or other projects
- [ ] remove workshops
- [ ] remove list of "reporting bugs" -- each package/module has their own.
- [ ] remove Q/A forum -- people will be directed to GH issues from now on.
- [ ] Queen -> King of England
- [ ] change text so that it's less focused on the package and more on the toolkit/approach.
### Tutorials
- [ ] Identify which tutorials will be adapted and re-used in current format and package versions
- [ ] find a way of archiving old tutorials somewhere (?)
- [ ] identify existing training materials that could be added to the list as tutorials (@achubaty may have some)
### old websites/resources
- [ ] - add "archived note" and point to new
- [ ] - add "archived note" and point to new
- [ ] what to do about wiki?