PredictiveEcology / SpaDES

R package for developing and running Spatial Discrete Event Simulation models
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CRAN requests #349

Closed achubaty closed 6 years ago

achubaty commented 7 years ago

For your next version: Can you provide some references in the 'Description' field of your DESCRIPTION file in the form authors (year) or (no space after 'doi:' and 'arXiv:')?

Please add executable examples in your Rd-files.

achubaty commented 7 years ago

also, fix the CRAN check NOTES:

 Namespaces in Imports field not imported from:
     ‘SpaDES.addins’ ‘SpaDES.core’ ‘’ ‘quickPlot’
     All declared Imports should be used.

probably just need to import one function from each package.

achubaty commented 6 years ago

From the 'NEWS' in R-devel

 • R CMD check now also applies the settings of environment
   the re-building of vignettes.

which enables more thorough checking of the manual's

All packages that are needed to successfully run R CMD check on the package must be listed in one of ‘Depends’ or ‘Suggests’ or ‘Imports’

_R_CHECK_SUGGESTSONLY=true is part of -as-cran: see your package's CRAN results page (which will still be updating for this change).

The missing packages need to be declared in the Suggests: field -- there may be others missing since vignette re-building stops at the first error. You can confirm all needed packages used are declared by using 'R CMD check --as-cran' with current R-devel.

Where alternative vignette builders are used, some packages may also need to be declared in the VignetteBuilder: field:

The ‘VignetteBuilder’ field names (in a comma-separated list) packages that provide an engine for building vignettes. These may include the current package, or ones listed in ‘Depends’, ‘Suggests’ or ‘Imports’. The utils package is always implicitly appended. See Non-Sweave vignettes for details. Note that if, for example, the vignette ‘engine’ is ‘knitr::rmarkdown’ this field needs to declare both knitr and rmarkdown.

This includes any additional packages needed by the vignette builders (e.g. formatR, webshot).

For sdm and seplyr the check output is inadequate to identify the missing packages, but bisection pinpoints this change.

As a further check, try setting environment variable _R_CHECK_DEPENDSONLY=true (which is not part of --as-cran). This will identify suggested packages which are not used conditionally (see § of the manual) or need to be included in the VignetteBuilder field.

Windows users may need to heed Note 22:

Please update your package before Feb 1 to safely retain the package on CRAN.

achubaty commented 6 years ago

2 warnings running checks on R-devel with the envvar set per above:

* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... WARNING
Dependence on R version ‘3.3.3’ not with patchlevel 0
* checking top-level files ... WARNING
Conversion of ‘’ failed:
pandoc: Could not fetch images/lcc05.png
images/lcc05.png: openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)
achubaty commented 6 years ago

fixed all except the first comment

eliotmcintire commented 6 years ago

Put Matloff, no?