Closed jeanluciano closed 8 months ago
Closes #394
Graph updated to used Prefect colors, open to different color values:
%%{ init: { 'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#2D6DF6', 'primaryTextColor': '#fff', 'lineColor': '#FE5A14', 'secondaryColor': '#E04BF0', 'tertiaryColor': '#fff' } } }%% graph TB subgraph ecs_cluster[ECS cluster] subgraph ecs_service[ECS service] td_worker[Worker task definition] --> |defines| prefect_worker((Prefect worker)) end prefect_worker -->|kicks off| ecs_task fr_task_definition[Flow run task definition] subgraph ecs_task["ECS task execution"] style ecs_task text-align:center,display:flex flow_run((Flow run)) end fr_task_definition -->|defines| ecs_task end subgraph prefect_cloud[Prefect Cloud] subgraph prefect_workpool[ECS work pool] workqueue[Work queue] end end subgraph github["ECR"] flow_code{{"Flow code"}} end flow_code --> |pulls| ecs_task prefect_worker -->|polls| workqueue prefect_workpool -->|configures| fr_task_definition
pre-commit install && pre-commit run --all
mkdocs serve
There's a reference on line 5 to "Prefect 2" which I think we can change to just "Prefect"
Closes #394
Graph updated to used Prefect colors, open to different color values:
checks.pre-commit install && pre-commit run --all
locally for formatting and linting.mkdocs serve
view documentation locally.