PrefectHQ / prefect

Prefect is a workflow orchestration framework for building resilient data pipelines in Python.
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CLI "prefect server start --no-ui" does not disable UI for started server #14476

Open GalLadislav opened 4 days ago

GalLadislav commented 4 days ago

First check

Bug summary

CLI command prefect server start starts the Prefect UI regardles of --no-ui parameter. More precisely, the parameter does not overload the setting PREFECT_UI_ENABLED.

The parameter sets environment variable PREFECT_API_SERVICES_UI, but in prefect.server.api.server:create_api_app the condition for mounting UI is based on PREFECT_UI_ENABLED setting.

I guess the same applies for prefect dev api (judging based on used PREFECT_API_SERVICES_UI, not tested)

The bug is present both in Prefect v2 and v3.


> prefect server start --no-ui

 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _____ 
| _ \ _ \ __| __| __/ __|_   _| 
|  _/   / _|| _|| _| (__  | |  
|_| |_|_\___|_| |___\___| |_|  

Configure Prefect to communicate with the server with:

    prefect config set PREFECT_API_URL=

View the API reference documentation at

The dashboard is disabled. Set `PREFECT_UI_ENABLED=1` to re-enable it.

> curl http://localhost:4200/

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Versions (prefect version output)

Version:             3.0.0rc9
API version:         0.8.4
Python version:      3.12.4
Git commit:          b75631a7
Built:               Mon, Jun 24, 2024 5:50 PM
OS/Arch:             linux/x86_64
Profile:             default
Server type:         ephemeral
Pydantic version:    2.8.0
  Database:          sqlite
  SQLite version:    3.37.2

Additional context

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serinamarie commented 3 days ago

Hi @GalLadislav thanks for creating an issue! We've added this to our backlog.