Prelang / feedback

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User-contributed features / Feature API #8

Open eriknomitch opened 9 years ago

eriknomitch commented 9 years ago

Many users have been asking for the ability to create user-contributed features. I would love to do this but due to the nature of the build system and the process of testing generation, this is difficult to do.

At some point, I will open-source select Prelang components with an API for feature definition. This issue is for further discussion and may help me get this feature out more quickly.

Comment +1 if you want user-contributed features or add additional comments.

akalra commented 9 years ago

Thanks! Yes, I fully understand the technical challenges around doing something like this if it wasn't originally designed that way.

If you need help getting to this point, or just want people to bounce ideas off of while working through this, I'm happy to pitch in as both extra-dev-resource or early-access-customer (and sign any associated paperwork as appropriate).



eriknomitch commented 9 years ago

@akalra Thanks, I appreciate it!