Welcome to the Hacktoberfest 2024 beginner coding problems repository! This project is designed for those who want to contribute to open-source while solving basic coding challenges. Whether you are a first-time contributor or looking to practice programming, you're in the right place.
This pull request introduces the Bubble Sort algorithm implemented in C++. The key features of this implementation are:
The bubbleSort function performs in-place sorting of an integer array.
An optimized version of the Bubble Sort algorithm is used, where the loop exits early if no swaps are needed in a pass, improving efficiency on already sorted or partially sorted arrays.
The main function demonstrates sorting with a sample input and prints both unsorted and sorted arrays for clarity.
Key Points:
Added a bubbleSort.cpp file with a complete Bubble Sort implementation.
The program iterates over the array, comparing and swapping adjacent elements to arrange them in ascending order.
The code is thoroughly commented for easy understanding of each step.
This pull request introduces the Bubble Sort algorithm implemented in C++. The key features of this implementation are:
The bubbleSort function performs in-place sorting of an integer array. An optimized version of the Bubble Sort algorithm is used, where the loop exits early if no swaps are needed in a pass, improving efficiency on already sorted or partially sorted arrays. The main function demonstrates sorting with a sample input and prints both unsorted and sorted arrays for clarity.
Key Points:
Added a bubbleSort.cpp file with a complete Bubble Sort implementation. The program iterates over the array, comparing and swapping adjacent elements to arrange them in ascending order. The code is thoroughly commented for easy understanding of each step.