PremoWeb / chadburn

Chadburn is a scheduler alternative to cron, built on Go and designed for Docker environments.
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"Daemon" command does not bypass looking for a config file #59

Closed aefruswg closed 8 months ago

aefruswg commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to use Chadburn to replace an issue I encountered with Ofelia and the container continues to error out that it can't find a config. Trying with docker run and docker compose both result in the same error below

docker run -it --rm \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
    -v  /path/on/host/chadburn.conf:/tmp/chadburn.conf:ro \
        premoweb/chadburn:latest daemon
version: '3'
    image: premoweb/chadburn:latest
    container_name: chadburn-service
    command: daemon
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro

daemon.go:48 ▶ DEBUG Cannot read config file: "open /etc/chadburn.conf: no such file or directory"

This is also the error I'm encountering with Ofelia, so hopefully it won't be the same with Chadburn

maietta commented 1 year ago

This error can be safely ignored and is going to be changed in future versions.

The software should work the same regardless of the warning.

aefruswg commented 1 year ago

It doesn't. I set a task to run at 3:57 (right now) at 3:56 and it didn't do anything

maietta commented 1 year ago

Oh crap.

smshapiro85 commented 8 months ago

I had this issue initially, but then I read this other issue posted and saw the way this person created their docker compose file, and the error went away: